Well, here we are at the close of another successful year for the CCGS. It is truly an honor to have served as your President. I have been involved in the society since 2002. I thought I had a pretty good idea of how everything worked, but this year has been enlightening. We have a great group and the dedication of our Volunteers is tremendous. Thanks to everyone who contributed both large and small.
The luncheon speaker for this month is Mr. Mark G. Papa former/retired CEO of EOG Resources, Inc. Mr. Papa served as the Chief Executive Officer of EOG Resources Inc. from September 1998 to July 1, 2013. He will be speaking on how the emergence of unconventional oil and gas has impacted the energy industry and the US economy. Please join us at the Town Club May 20th for our final luncheon before the summer break. Our bar sponsor for this month is Gisler Brothers Logging Co., Inc. Thank you for your generosity.
Elizabeth Chapman with Flamingo Seismic Solutions has kindly agreed to sponsor our May Pint Night. Please come out and join us Tuesday, May 19th at 5:30 for our monthly happy hour. We have the back room at the Executive Surf Club booked for this event as well as every third Tuesday for the rest of the year.
Just a few reminders. The CCGS Fishing Tournament will be August 14th in Port Aransas, Texas. Please come out and help raise funds for the CCGS Scholarship Trust Fund. Also, keep an eye out for email announcements regarding the BBQ Kickoff in September.
Once again, I need to thank the CCGS Board of Directors and Committee Members for all of your support. I hope everyone had a fun and rewarding year. When my term started the price of oil was around $92/bbl, and since then we have seen a 50% price reduction. Yea, I know. It’s all my fault. Although our industry is once again in flux our Society remains fiscally healthy and active. These are exciting times for us. We have an expanding young member base, and our relationships with the local colleges is stronger than ever before. We have many exciting educational initiatives that are funded and ongoing. Our GCACS committee, headed by Dawn Bissell, is staffed and ready for the challenges ahead. I look forward to the next couple of years, and I know our Society will take advantage of this opportunity. I encourage all members to stay active and involved in the society. The CCGS is your society.
Thank you,
Leighton Devine
CCGS President