Spring is essentially here in South Texas. Gas prices are in the $3.75/MCF range and Oil is fairly steady between $90-$100/BBL. CCGS has two formal noon luncheons left for our operational year with a local excellent presentation lined up for April and the May finale speaker is being worked on. Our speaker for March, Jeffery Dravis did an excellent job presenting a great talk on Carbonates. The CCGS Board of Directors meeting had a vote to continue the CCGS History Committee and Ray Govett is remaining the Chairman of that important committee. Thank you Ray for your perseverance. The Fishing Tournament Committee is rallying and getting everything ready to go for our Biggest Fund raiser of the year in July. Thanks to everyone on the Fishing Tournament for their efforts and organization. Family Fossil Hunt will be coming up soon. If you have not ever attended this year should be the time. Bring your Kids; your Grandkids, your Wife in your family and experience the adventures of finding proof of a different world in the past. Do what a Geologist does! Explore TIME!
Speaking of Volunteers; CCGS is in need of two very very special volunteers for a very very special event coming up in 2016, The 2016 GCAGS Corpus Christi Convention. These Volunteers need to be individuals with a strong business sense as well as being organized and leaders that can make something happen and get it done! There are many of you out there in our organization that are capable of filling these two positions. In the past this has been our biggest and best fund raiser. We need your help to make Corpus Christi the Geologic Mecca for a few days in the fall of 2016! Can you do it? Consider it a challenge and an honor to be the General Chairman of the 2016 Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Convention in Corpus Christi; Texas. WE NEED these Volunteers SOON so that we can commit to having the 2016 GCAGS Convention right in Corpus Christi on the Texas Riviera of the Third Coast! Please contact anyone on the Board of Directors as soon as possible. Maybe there are two of you that want to tag team these positions. Please consider and contact CCGS. GCAGS does provide a consulting business organization called GEM (Global Events Management) and there is also a Convention Operations Manual that provides the direction to make this happen! If you have a strong business sense coupled with organizational skills and Leadership capabilities CCGS and GCAGS sincerely need you.

Eight Major Modern Tectonic Plates with Indicated Boundary Types
Where do you live and what kind of Boundary is near your location?

To change is inevitable and to survive is essential. On a personal level of existence this is very true. Please take a look at the really “big picture” here on our planet called Earth. Which plate do you live on and where? This tectonically active planet is covered with humans and probably the one biggest factor about our success thus far has been the existence of plate tectonics on Planet Earth. Our planet is not static therefore it is not a “dead” planet. It is very active and certain places on this planet in the scheme of plate tectonics determine what kinds of raw materials and energy are available for our every day existence. The most critical element of plate tectonism on every day human existence is related to the type of boundary that is located near you. There are many kinds of boundary scenarios but the simplistic big three include: Convergent Boundaries, Divergent Boundaries, and Transform Boundaries. The Land forms that you live on and your Profession may very well be an outgrowth of where you live on a plate and what kind of plate boundary is nearby.

Where plates come together, their relative motions create different types of boundaries: convergent, divergent, or transform. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along these plate boundaries. The lateral relative movement of the plates typically varies from zero mm to 100 mm annually. Basin formation with kerogen being shed into it on a trailing passive margin is one of the better places for Oil and Gas to form in the sediments. In Corpus Christi that is basically our tectonic setting. If you are looking for metallic minerals then a tectonic setting with continental rifting and a young plate boundary with plutons and mineral halos and mineral fluid migration may be needed like the Rocky Mountains. Diamonds are found in older volcanic pipes where there had been a previous “hot spot” or subduction boundary. High Geothermal gradients are often found in subduction volcanic boundaries. Ultimately the migration of all the various fluids associated with the plate tectonic boundary setting zonations is what controls where the mineral riches and energy deposits are located spatially in the dynamic Earth. To know where the future of our planet is headed lies in the ability to predict those changes over time. Our present and future has been controlled literally by the Geologic Environment of our location whether we wanted it to or not!! Change is Continuous and as always the ability to adapt to the changes means survival.

ARE YOU MOVING and In What Direction? Check out the Map above for the answer.
ASK Yourself: Which tectonic plate would I like to work on as a Geologist? That opportunity exists for all of you young Geologists! Onward and do not be afraid to “EMBRACE CHANGE” after all the Earth is moving literally under our feet right now.
Relative to the recent “visitation” of Comet PanStarrs the Earth will undergo a major visitation in November of 2013:
Possibly the most Impressive Comet to ever be seen from Earth in Modern History is on its way.
Comet ISON is coming to our part of the solar system in November of 2013 will be 15 times brighter than the full Moon; Comet of the century; and Visible during the day. Make sure you see it. How could you miss it?
Our Guest speaker for April at our noon luncheon meeting at the Town Club will be Frank Cornish, and his topic for his presentation is “Do Upper Wilcox Incised Valleys Support Paleogene Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Isolation?. Please be there to welcome our known local speaker. See you there!

Dennis A. Taylor
CCGS President, 2012-13