Season’s greetings from CCGS. Happy New Year and I trust you had a wonderful Christmas with your family. 2013 is here and into the future we go. Life and Geology are wondrous continuums of change. Change is the ultimate denominator of the entire Universe so embrace it!
On Monday, December 3th Volunteers from CCGS met at the broadcast studios of KEDT public television station in Corpus Christi, Texas for the World Premiere of “Oilmen : Tales from the South Texas Oil Patch” and what a premiere it was. The dream of having an educational tool to reach the public and share the importance of the History of Oil and Gas of South Texas has become a reality. Change is only accomplished by an action that results in a new direction to the future. CCGS has definitely affected the Future. KEDT Sta! and CCGS Member Volunteers did an excellent smooth job on this initial airing of the CCGS History Movie. Thanks you KEDT for your professionalism.

Please see the following letter from Don Dunlap, President and General Manager of KEDT, that I just recently received concerning the CCGS History Movie and the success of the KEDT Pledge Drive that used our movie as it‘s focal point. If you have not seen the CCGS History Movie; please make it a point to see it.
The Oilmen documentary has been extremely popular on KEDT, through all three airings. In fact, Oilmen was the top program in KEDT’s December membership campaign. 125 people called requesting a DVD of CCGS’s great film while donating $17,439 to KEDT’s educational efforts. That is remarkable!
We really appreciate the opportunity to work with you and your colleagues in the Corpus Christi Geological Society. Clearly thousands of people learned a lot about the South Texas oil industry and the men who shape that business. I hope your group has received positive feedback from our KEDT’s viewers. Please relay my sincere appreciation to the C. C. Geological Society for involving KEDT in your community education project. Your film strongly communicates the positive impact that the oil and gas industry has had on our South Texas community.
I look forward to working with your group as you plan distribution of the film to schools.”
Don Dunlap
President and General Manager
The Volunteers from CCGS to answer the Pledge Phones being instructed by Mary Ann Buchanan of KEDT.
Left to Right: Mannti Cummins, Rick Paige, Dawn Bissell, Randy Bissell, William Thompson, Duncan Chisholm, Zach Corcoran, Allison Corcoran, Duan Uys, Corey Wheeler, and Dee Dee Jones (KEDT Volunteer).
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Change is inevitable and in Geology the king of dramatic rapid change is the explosive force of a steam driven pyroclastic event. In July 1995 Soufriere Hills Volcano in Montserrat erupted for the first time in history and it destroyed the capital town and entire southern half of the island. Do not mess with this kind of Mother Nature! Be extremely careful in “Embracing this kind of Geology”! The most famous eruption of an explosive pyroclastic volcano during modern man’s existence was Krakatoa in 1883!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“On the 27th of August four enormous explosions took place at 05:30, 06:44, 10:02, and 10:41 local time. The explosions were so violent that they were heard 3,110 km (1,930 mi) away in Perth, Western Australia, and the Indian Ocean island of Rodrigues near Mauritius (4,800 km (3,000 mi) away), where they were thought to be cannon fire from a nearby ship.”(Wikipedia)
“The pressure wave generated by the colossal fourth, and final, explosion radiated out from Krakatoa at 1,086 km/h (675 mph). It was so powerful that it ruptured the eardrums of sailors on ships in the Sunda Strait, and caused a spike of more than two and half inches of mercury (ca 85 hPa) in pressure gauges attached to gasometers in the Jakarta gasworks, sending them off the scale. The pressure wave radiated across the globe and was recorded on barographs all over the world, which continued to register it up to 5 days after the explosion. Barographic recordings show that the shock-wave from the final explosion reverberated around the globe 7 times in total. Ash was propelled to an estimated height of 80 km (50 mi).”(Wikipedia)
“The combination of pyroclastic flows, volcanic ashes and tsunamis had disastrous results in the region. There were no survivors from the 3,000 people located on the island of Sebesi, about 13 km (8.1 mi) from Krakatoa. Pyroclastic flows killed around 1,000 people at Ketimbang on the coast of Sumatra some 40 km (25 mi) north from Krakatoa. The offcial death toll recorded by the Dutch authorities was 36,417, although some sources put the estimate at 120,000 or more. Many settlements were destroyed, including Teluk Betung and Ketimbang in Sumatra; as well as Sirik and Serang in Java. The areas of Banten on Java and the Lampung on Sumatra were devastated. There are numerous documented reports of groups of human skeletons floating across the Indian Ocean on rafts of volcanic pumice and washing up on the east coast of Africa, up to a year after the eruption. In fact stories were told of ships that survived in the area that had sailors that were able to walk on the floating pumice surrounding their ships.” One Tsunami destroyed the town of Merak with a tsunami wave that was 46 m (151 ft) high. (Wikipedia)
“In the year following the eruption, average global temperatures fell by as much as 1.2 C (2.2 F). Weather patterns continued to be chaotic for years, and temperatures did not return to normal until 1888.” (Wikipedia)
Remember that because of our Boulders In Schools Program, we had an avalanche warning earlier in the year? The avalanche has occurred; just ask Rick Paige and Krista Burke. Look for Rick’s Boulders in Schools update in this issue of the CCGS Bulletin and watch out for ROCKS!
Our Guest speaker for January at our noon luncheon meeting at the Town Club will be Rocky Roden of Rocky Ridge Resources, and his topic for his presentation is “Lessons Learned from a 10 Year Industry-wide DHI Consortium”. Please be there to welcome our speaker. See you there!

Dennis A. Taylor
CCGS President, 2012-13