CCGS is definitely “out of the bronc gate” for the start of our “Embrace Geology” year! What-A-BBQ that was! Thank you Members, and Guests, and Students for the tremendous turnout at the Kickoff BBQ served up South Texas Style in the BBQ Man Patio Cantina. Mike Lucente that was an amazing display of fossilized bones to really grab the attention of our participants attending the BBQ! Thank you for your efforts in restoring those clues to the past, especially the Mammoth and Mastadon femurs. Wow!

I stand corrected: The CCGS Fishing Tournament raised over $10,000 plus for our Educational Funds, etc! Again, special thanks goes to all of the companies that provided their support and especially to our organizing members. Rick Paige thanks for presenting the framed Ice Age Mural to Dan and Carolyn Pedrotti. Dan and Carolyn, we were honored to have both of you at our BBQ. Dan, thank you for your valued participation over the last several years.

Sebastian, thank you for introducing Joe DeBellas who was instrumental in securing a considerable contribution from Murphy Oil that is enabling CCGS to realize the final edited version for the Oil & Gas History movie, “Tales from the South Texas Oil Patch”. We will all be looking forward to the Premier Social for the debut of this close to home Educational Movie.
This is a special operational year, 2012-2013, in that we are witnessing unprecedented Global Changes in the way that we are doing our business here in South Texas as well as World-Wide. The Unconventional Oil Shale Paradigm is here and will cover the Planet in a gradual but inevitable Tsunami of Horizontal Drilling. Yes the interest was peaked here in South Texas and when Sun Exploration and Production, approximately 25 years ago, sidetracked horizontally in the 1st Austin Chalk Well near Dilley , South Texas and brought in a well that was flowing around 5000 BOPD the ripple effect into the future was guaranteed. That future has become now and the Barnett Shale and the Eagle Ford Shale have paved a new road for finding Oil around the entire Earth. The Geology has been EMBRACED and the next future is on its way. Are you ready?? Be all you can in your Geologic endeavors and understand the circle in a circle. Push the limits of the envelopes of oil finding and find that Oil that is needed to supply the Energy that is needed for all the people and their ways of living here on the Earth.

Our Guest speaker for October at our noon luncheon meeting at the Town Club will be Mark Gregg of Kiwi Energy and his topic for his presentation is “Developing an Exploration Tool in a Mature Trend: A 3-D AVO case study in South Texas”. Please be there to welcome Mark and listen to his Special Presentation on how to EMBRACE GEOLOGY by embracing 3-D AVO! I will look forward to seeing all of you there in the Crystal Room on October 18th from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00p.m. Also please register and attend the upcoming GCAGS Convention in Austin, Texas, October 21st through the 24th. Students, do not forget to get your Scholarship Applications in and postmarked by October 20th 2012.
Also, if you are a CCGS Geologist and can be a member of AAPG, please join if you have not. We are in need of members for this excellent International Organization of Geoscientists from CCGS-CBGS so that we can have two delegates representing us at the upcoming AAPG Convention. We are one AAPG member short of being able to have two delegates from the Corpus Christi Geological Society. We need your help. We need that other member by the end of November. Thank you in Advance.
Dennis A. Taylor
CCGS President, 2012-13